Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Landslide affected areas of Darjeeling and Kurseong (updated till May09)

Cyclone AILA swept thru the district between 24-26May2009 leaving a trail of death and destruction. In all 27 people died (20 in Darjeeling and 7 in Kurseong). A Central govt team did visit the affected areas to assess the damage between 06-08Jun09; Kalimpong subdivision which escaped major damage and where there were no deaths was not visited by the team but we (STH team) did manage to meet them in the Circuit House on 08Jun09, Darjeeling and brief them in detail about the serious landslide problem in Kalimpong. I am glad to tell you that they were very receptive and the meeting went off well.

Praful Rao

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